Why Aluminum?

Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today.

The fastest-growing automotive material, aluminum makes vehicles safer, more energy efficient and better-performing.

Aluminum is one of the most energy efficient and sustainable building materials, helping builders gain LEED certification.

Modern air and space flight would not be possible without the development of lightweight but high strength aluminum alloys. 

Aluminum is the most widely used material in modern solar panels, accounting for more than 85 percent of most solar photovoltaic components.

Highly versatile aluminum can be thin and bendable like kitchen foil, or rigid and durable enough to use in military armor plate. 

Aluminum is a showcase material in some of the most popular consumer electronics today, from the Apple iPhone to the latest flat-screen TVs.

Aluminum beverage cans contain far more recycled content than glass or plastic and save huge amounts of energy in transportation and refrigeration.

Lightweight aluminum wire and cable allows utilities to run transmission lines with far fewer supporting structures.


Our goal is to ensure as many aluminum cans are recycled as possible in pursuit of sustainability.

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